Our Lawn Care Blog

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Types of Weed Control Used in Colorado

Weed control is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and attractive landscape, especially in Colorado, where the climate and terrain can make weed management challenging. There are various methods that can be used to control weeds, each with its own advantages and limitations. In this article, we will explore some of the most common types of weed control used in Colorado, from cultural and mechanical methods to chemical herbicides.

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When to Aerate Your Lawn in Colorado?

Aeration is an important step in maintaining a healthy and lush lawn, particularly in the challenging climate of Colorado. With its dry and arid conditions, Colorado lawns can easily become compacted, making it difficult for water, nutrients, and air to penetrate the soil and reach the grassroots. This can result in a weak and sparse lawn that is more susceptible to disease, pests, and drought stress.

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Residential landscaping - home with nice flower beds
The Guide to Spring Fertilization in Centennial, CO

As the snow melts away and the days grow longer, it's time to start thinking about spring fertilization for your lawn and garden in Centennial. Proper fertilization is essential for promoting healthy growth and vibrant blooms throughout the spring and summer months. In this guide, we will explore the best practices for fertilizing your outdoor space in Centennial to ensure a lush and beautiful landscape all season long.

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